LC Haldar Consulting

I have over 16 years of experience in education and I hold a Ph.D. in math education from the University of California, Berkeley. In my consulting work, I focus on K-12 STEM education and I enjoy working on a variety of research, evaluation, and curriculum development projects.

Select Research Collaborations

Digital Promise

Cignition, Inc. Project

Middle Years Math Initiative

  • Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Roles and responsibilities: researched and reported on measures that can be used to help advance mathematics learning for Black, Hispanic and low-income students

The Concord Consortium

Common Online Data Analysis Platform Project

Funding: National Science Foundation Grant No. DRL- 1435470

Roles and responsibilities: Design, implementation, and data analysis for interview study with middle school students as they interpreted data with the CODAP software

Report: Students Making Sense of Multi-level Data

UnboundEd Learning


  • Funding: Various

  • Roles and responsibilities: Provide research and evaluation support for UnboundEd programs, services, and offerings.


The Concord Consortium

DIP: Data Science Games - Student Immersion in Data Science Using Games for Learning in the Common Online Data Analysis Platform

Funding: National Science Foundation, Grant No. IIS-1530578

Roles and responsibilities: Provided formative feedback and served as a critical friend for the design and development work for games embedded in data analysis environments

UC Berkeley

Writing Data Stories: Integrating Computational Data Investigations into the Middle School Science Classroom

Funding: National Science Foundation, Grant No. DRL-1900606

Roles and responsibilities: Provide formative feedback and serve as a critical friend for the design and development of research-based, interdisciplinary units that integrate data science, literacy, and science

San Mateo Community College District

Training and Research Activities to Better Access Job Opportunities (TRABAJO!)

Funding: National Science Foundation Grant No. DUE-1953762

Roles and responsibilities: Analyze student survey data, provide formative feedback, and serve as a critical friend for the design and implementation of Cañada College’s STEM training program

Curriculum Development

Opportunity Education

Curriculum developer and reviewer for Opportunity Education’s Quest Forward Learning, focusing on high school math

CK-12 Foundation

Contributing author for CK-12 Foundation’s Interactive Middle School Math Grade 6 online Flexbook aligned with Common Core State Standards